This Notice is from Ro (aka "Designed by Ro", aka "Match Design Concepts")

On April 4th, I was notified all "Host and/or League" pages were being removed from the site I previously designed for.

Know this was NOT the original request made by me.

Upon discovering the site owner placed a "Property of xxx" statement under all my designs, I requested
my name be placed back under my designs.


Rather than place my name back, I was informed, via *email all host pages designed by me would be taken down
from the site, with the blame placed on me.

For 8+ years I designed there. 8+ years of dedication.

This site owner violated the codes of conduct Graphic Designers live by; written, and unwritten.
What was done IS infringement, and violates licensing, permissions - and the list goes on.

I know most of you don't really care, and just want your Host Pages, play, and have fun, so -

I will end on this Quote

"Nobody trashes your name, more than someone who is afraid you will tell the truth"

Quote from Pinterest

This is the only format where I can tell the truth
*email available upon request